Alison Petok, MSW, LICSW, MPH
Alison Petok is a Clinical Social Worker in private practice based in Chestnut Hill, MA. Her career has been focused in oncology and chronic illness, as well as behavioral health research. Alison has worked extensively with individuals facing a cancer diagnosis as well as chronic illness, chronic pain, end-of-life issues and survivorship. In addition to supporting patients, Alison supports caregivers, family members, and medical professionals who are coping with burnout.
Alison received her Master’s in Social Work and Public Health from the University of Pennsylvania. She has worked in various hospital based and outpatient settings, including the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University and Fox Chase Cancer Center. While working in Philadelphia, she often referred patients to the local Cancer Support Community. Alison relocated to Boston in 2019 and launched her private practice in 2020. In addition to private practice, she holds a part-time social work position at Massachusetts General Hospital in the Infectious Diseases Division.